Get Help From An Expert in Porn Addiction Anywhere In Gerogia

If you are in Georgia and you are struggling to control or stop your use of pornography, I'm here to help you. I'm an Atlanta counselor who specializes in helping people stop the unhealthy use of porn.  For years I have provided therapy for sex and porn addiction in my Atlanta counseling practice.  Now that I have begun offering online therapy I can provide the same level of expert assistance to anyone in the state of Georgia.

Pornography Use In Georgia Is Increasing Because of COVID-19

People everywhere are staying at home and putting up other safeguards to guard against coronavirus transmission.  Normal routines are disrupted and healthy social connections are being replaced by greater periods of isolation, especially for people who live alone.  Online pornography can be a way to escape from anxiety, boredom, or other unpleasant emotions.  This is why porn sites are seeing more traffic in recent weeks.   

The pull toward unhealthy use of online pornography can be quite overwhelming for some people. Porn provides a "false intimacy" that is a poor substitute for healthy relationships with real people.  I've written at length about the risks of online pornography so it's not surprising to me that COVID-19 is driving traffic to online porn sites. 

Challenging circumstances often give opportunities for growth.  COVID-19 prompted my decision to include online counseling as a regular part of my practice, and now anyone in Georgia can benefit from my asistance breaking free from porn problems.

Online Therapy Solutions for Online Pornography Problems

If you are spending time looking at pornography that would be better spent on healthier activities, I can help you stop.  If you feel worried or guilty about the content of the online pornography you are looking at, I can help you put it down for good.  If sometimes you feel like the urge to watch porn is stronger than your will-power to resist, I can help you reclaim your freedom and power. 

As the rest of my website shows, helping people break free from unhealthy sexual behavior patterns is what I do.  Now that I have started providing online counseling for porn addiction and related sexual struggles I can help anyone in Georgia rather than just Atlanta. I'm looking forward to the expansion.

Here's how it works: when we meet online you'll get a link to a private online meeting room that you will log into from your computer or smartphone. We will see and talk with each other in real time just as if we were sitting in my office together. Everything we will discuss will remain confidential between us.  I"ll be a source of insight, support, guidance, understanding and accountability to help you stop the unhealthy use of online pornography or related problematic sexual behaviors.

Special Rates for Special Times

Because of the coronavirus millions of people are suddenly out of a job or working reduced hours. My professional rates reflect my education and experience, but I want to throw that model out the window at this point.  I've already written about my new reduced fee policy and I want to apply it here to bring quality online counseling for porn addiction to people who are suffering financially during these difficult times. I still won't be cheap, but I'll do what I can to help make online counseling with me even more cost-effective, such as suggesting books to read and ideas to try out between appointments.  After our first 50 minute online session we can even move to "half-sessions" to check up on your forward progress and give your development some much-needed accountability and fine-tuning.  

Seeking Members for Online Group Therapy for Pornography Problemsand Other Sexual Struggles

I want to start an online version of the successful group therapy format I provide to men in my Atlanta office.  The opportunity to be a part of a small and cohesive group of men who come together to explore important issues and share common challenges can make a world of difference. 

I am in the process of identifying up to 7 men across Georgia who will "meet" online once a week in mutual support of each member's goals, including being porn-free. My groups typically meet for 90 minutes but I'm willing do a 60 minute group with up to four men that meets for one hour one day a week from noon to 1 PM, so that people can work this into thier lunch hour.  The group will give time for people to check in how they are doing, discuss common issues and bring accountability and support to each person.  I also encourage members of all my groups to reach out to each other between group sessions to help each other in thier common journey. 

The cost will be $50 per 90 minute group per person.  This is a $10 reduction from my normal fee of $60.  If I do a 60 minute group I'll drop the charge to $35, which is a good deal.   I ask for a 12 week minimum commitment to be a part of group.

All of my current men's therapy groups have successfully moved online, and it's working out very well.  I'm excited to branch out statewide now that I can do this without geographic restrictions.  I can't over-emphasize how helpful this sort of group format is in helping people break free from unhealthy porn useage or other sexual behaviors.  So let me know if you're interested in this. 

Contacting Me for an Appointment

If you are ready to schedule an appointment with me please first make sure you are ok with my policies, rates and other important information, then feel free to contact me.  I try to offer appointments quickly so you don't have to wait long to discuss what's going on in your life and talk about what do do about it. 
